Poultry Farming and Marketing

Alifarm Organics worked to establish poultry farming among smallholder farmers in Nyamira county, Kenya. Three-quarters of the population live below the poverty line and in the past drought has badly affected food production in the area. Small-scale poultry rearing is common, carried out mainly by women and children, but they face challenges such as disease, and a lack of access to feed and drugs. We worked with 1,200 farmers, 60% of whom are women, to start rearing poultry at a commercial level

The Farmers Received:

The profits farmers generated allowed families to buy food, pay school fees and medical costs. Poultry products also provided an important source of protein and iron for families that don’t have enough food to eat.

We worked with 1,200 farmers in 60 groups. In each group, three community-based trainers will train 10 more farmers outside their group in poultry farming, bringing the benefits to 1,800 more households – a total of around 16,200 people.


Date: 06 Nov, 2019
Client: Nyamira County Government 
Location: Nyamira , Kenya
Value: $5,600